Friday, July 19, 2019

VAAPI,KOOPAH,TADAAGAH-( वापि ,कूपः,तडाग:)

उपार्जितानां वित्तानां त्याग एव हि रक्षणम्।
तडागोदरसंस्थानां परीवाह इवाम्भसाम्।। Chanakya niti
Donating earned wealth is the best way to protect it. Water outlets are the only ways of protection to the overflowing lakes.
अतिपरिचयात्अवज्ञा भवति विशिष्टोपि  वस्तुनि प्रायः I 
 गङ्गा तीर निवासी कूपस्नानम् सदा चरति II 
Even men of knowledge develop contempt due to familiarity. Man living on the banks of ganges takes bath daily in a nearby well.
 चिन्तनीया हि विपदाम् आदाव् एव प्रतिक्रिया
कूप-खननं युक्तं, प्रदीप्ते वह्निना गृहे
Chintaneeyaa hi vipadaam aadaadeva pratikriyaam I 
Na koopa khananam yuktam pradeepte vahnina gruhe II
One should plan right at the onset how to counter difficulties. It is not proper to dig a well when the house is blazing.
यावत् स्वस्थमिदं कलेवरगृहं यावच्च दूरे जरा
यावच्चेन्द्रियशक्तिरप्रतिहता यावत् क्षयो नायुषः।
आत्मश्रेयसि तावदेव विदुषा कार्यः प्रयत्नो महान्

 प्रोद्दीप्ते भवने तु कूपखननं प्रत्युद्यमः कीदृशः।।
A wise man should make the best efforts for his salvation while his body is in sound health, while old age is still at a distance, while the senses are unimpaired, and not much of his life has been wasted. What is the good of attempting to dig a well when the house is already on fire?
दाता लघुः अपि सेव्यः भवति, कृपणः महान् अपि समृद्ध्या
कूपः अन्तःस्वादुजलः प्रीत्यै लोकस्य समुद्रः॥
dātā laghuḥ api sévyaḥ bhavati, na kṛipaṇaḥ mahān api samṛiddhyā |
kūpaḥ antaḥ-svadu-jalaḥ prītyai lokasya na samudraḥ ||

 A giver is worthy even if small, not a miser great in prosperity. A small well with sweet potable water is what satisfies a thirsty man not a big ocean.
यो निर्गत्य निःशेषां विलोकयति मेदिनीं |
अनेकाद्भुतवृत्तांतां नरः कूपदर्दुरः ||

If a person never gets out of his home (home town) and sees the world full of surprises, then he is to be considered as a frog in a well.
वापी कूप तडागानामारामस्य सरः सु च।
निःशंकं रोधकश्चैव विप्रो म्लेक्ष्छ उच्यते।Chanakya niti

A brahmin who recklessly destroys temples, wells,ponds, orchards without any fear of social repercussion is verily a mlechha(infidel).
दश कूप समा वापी, दशवापी समोह्नद्रः।
दशह्नद समः पुत्रों, दशपुत्रो समो द्रमुः।

Ten wells will equal one pond, ten ponds one lake, ten lakes one son, ten sons equal one tree!!!
वापी कूप तडागानि, उद्यानोपवनानि च।
पुनः संस्कार कर्ता लभते मौक्तिकं फलम्।।
One who takes proper maintenance of old wells,ponds,lakes and orchards will get the same benefit of creating such new  facilities.
निदाघ काले पानीयं यस्य तिष्ठति वासव।
दुर्गविषमं कृत्स्त्रं कदाचिदवाप्नुयात्।।
Who ever provides water to people during periods of water scarcity ( during summer ) ,such a person will never face adversity in his life.
दुर्भिक्षे अन्नदाता , सुभिक्षे हिरण्यदः।
पान प्रदस्त्वरण्ये तु स्वर्ग लोके महीयते।।
One who gives food during famine, charity during prosperous days, water in a forest starved of water, such a person will obtain swarga without fail. 
  भूप्रदानं सुवर्णदानं गोप्रदानं तथान्नदानम्
यथा वदंतीह महाप्रदानं सर्वेषु दानेषु जलप्रदानम्
  Not the donation of land, Not the donation of gold,Not the donation of cows,Not even the donation of food,Donation of water is called greatest of all donations in this world.

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