Sunday, July 7, 2019

THE MIND (2) - MANAS / CHITTHAA (मनस् / चित्ता )

पंकैर्विना सरो भाति सभा खलजनै र्विना
कटुवणैर्विना काव्यं मानसं विषयैर्विना
Pankairvinaa saro bhaati sabha khalajanairvinaa I
Katuvarnairvina kaavyam maanasam vishayairvinaa II
A lake is beautiful if it is clear of mud, an assembly shines without foolish people, an epic is beautiful if it avoids descriptions of unseemly acts, and the mind is beautiful if it is detached from worldly objects.
मन: प्रसाद: सौम्यत्वं मौनमात्मविनिग्रह: |
भावसंशुद्धिरित्येतत्तपो मानसमुच्यते || 16||
manaḥ-prasādaḥ saumyatvaṁ maunam ātma-vinigrahaḥ
bhāva-sanśhuddhir ity etat tapo mānasam uchyate
BG 17.16: Serenity of thought, gentleness, silence, self-control, and purity of purpose—all these are declared as the austerity of the mind.
दानं पूजा तपश्र्चौव तीर्थसेवा श्रुतं तथा
सर्वमेव वृथा तस्य यस्य शुध्दं मानसम्
Daanam, puja, tapaschaiva teerthasevaa shrutam tatha I
Sarvameva vruthaa tasya yasya suddham na maanasam II
If a man’s mind is not pure, his charity, worship,austerities,sacred river baths,and scriptural learning are all of no use.
सत्येन शुध्यते वाणी मनो ज्ञानेन शुध्यति
गुरुशुश्रूषया काया शुध्दिरेषा सनातनी
Satyena shudyate vaani mano gyaanena shudyati I
Guru shurushayaa kaayaa shuddhireshaa sanaatanee II
Truth purifies one’s speech, mind is purified by knowledge, body is purified by serving the preceptor, and these are the eternal purifiers.
आत्मानं रथिनं विद्धि शरीरं रथमेव तु।
 बुद्धिं तु सारथिं विद्धि मनः प्रगहमेव च॥
 इन्द्रियाणि हयानाहुíवषयांस्तेषु गोचरान्
 आत्मेन्द्रियमनोयुक्तं भोक्तेत्याहुर्मनीषिणः॥’ –(Katha Upanishad 3/3-4).
 “Ãtmãnam rathinam vidhi shariram rathameva tu Buddhim tu sarathim viddhi maraha pragahameva cha॥ Indriyãni hayãnãhurvishayãnsteshu gocharãn Ãtmendriyamanoyuktam bhoktetyãhurmaneeshinaha॥
‘O Nachiketa! This body is the chariot and this atma is its owner, the charioteer. The buddhi is its driver. The mind is its reins. The indriyas are the horses pulling the chariot. The objects of taste, touch, etc. are its path. Thus, the atma uses the indriyas and anthakaran as a means to enjoy worldly pleasures. Understand in this way’
वयमिह परितुष्टा वल्कलैस्त्वम् च लक्ष्म्या  (दुकूलैः)
सममिह  परितोषो  निर्विशेषो विशेष:
स हि भवति दरिद्रो यस्य तृष्णा  विशाला
मनसि च परितुष्टे कोSर्थवान्  को दरिद्रः

 Vayamih paritushtaa valkalaistwam cha lakshmyaa (dukulaih)
 Samamiha paritoshe nirvishesho visheshh
 Sa bhawati daridro yasya trushnaa vishalaa
 Manasi cha paritushtokorthwaan ko daridrah.

We are content to wear garments made of bark of trees and you with dress made of soft material. But the contentment is alike; the difference in attire makes no difference. He whose desires are huge is indeed poor. If the contentment is in the mind, then who is rich and who is poor?

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