Monday, July 22, 2019

THE MOON- CHANDRAH ( चन्द्रः )


ताराणां भूषणं चन्द्रो नारीणाम् भूषणं पतिः
प्रिथिव्या भूषणं राजा विद्या सर्वस्य भूषणम् ॥ chanakyaniti
Taaraanam bhooshanam chandro naareenaam bhooshanam patih
Prithivyaa bhooshanam raajaa vidyaa sarvasya bhooshanam
The moon is the adornment of the stars; husband is the adornment of woman; the king is the adornment of the earth (country); learning is the adornment of all.
अहो साहजिकं प्रेम दूरादपि विराजते
चकोरनयनद्वन्द्वमाह्लादयति चन्द्रमाः  
aho sahajikam prema dUrAdapi virAjate
chakora nayana dvandvam aahlAdayati chandramaaH  

When love is natural, distance does not matter. The moon and the chakora bird enjoy just watching each other. 
एकेनापि  सुपुत्रेण विद्यायुक्तेन  साधुना  |
आह्लाlदितं कुलं  सर्वं यथा चन्द्रेण शर्वरी || चाणक्य नीति (/१६ )
Ekenaapi suputrena vidyaayuktena saadhunaa.
Aahlaaditam kulam sarvam yathaa chandrena sharvari.
  Even a single son endowed with knowledge and excellent qualities brings joy and recognition to his family ,just like the Moon brings cool brightness to the  night.
गुणवान् सुचिरस्थायी दैवेनापि सह्यते I
तिष्टत् एकाम् निशां चन्द्रः श्रीमान् संपूर्ण मण्डलः II
Gunavaan suchirasthaayee daivaanaapi na sahyate I
Tishtat ekaam nishaam chandrah shrimaan sampurna mandalah II
Even gods do not tolerate a good man to be in a high position for long. The full moon shines only for a night.
निर्गुणेष्वपि सत्त्वेषु दयां कुर्वन्ति साधवः
हि संहरते ज्योत्स्नां चन्द्रश्चण्डालवेश्मनि
  Nirguneshwapi sattweshu dayaam kurvanti saadhavah
  Na hi samharate jyotsnaam chandrashchandaalaveshmani
  Good men show kindness even to those who do not possess good qualities just as the Moon        does  not withhold her light from the hut of even a criminal.
 चन्दनं शीतलं लोके,चन्दनादपि चन्द्रमाः |
चन्द्रचन्दनयोर्मध्ये शीतला साधुसंगतिः ||
Chandanam shitalam loke, chandanaadapi chandramaah I Chandra chandanayor madhye shitalaa sadhu sangatih II  It is said that sandal is cool, but moon light is said to be cooler. But, more than these two, the company of great men.
उपकर्तुं प्रियं वक्तुं कर्तुं स्नेहं अकृत्रिमं I
सज्जनानां स्वभवोयं केनेन्दुः शिशिरी कृतः II 
 Helpfulness, pleasant speech, cultivation of genuine friendship- these are the primeval nature of the cultured. The moon is cool because of its innate qualities
पूर्वाभिभाषी मधुरः सत्यवादी महाबलः
सौम्यः सर्वस्य लोकस्य चन्द्रवत्प्रियदर्शनः २-४८-३०॥Ramayanam
Sri Rama speaks to people on his own first, always sweet,truthful and powerful. Handsome and Pleasing to the whole world like the moon.
सम्पदो  महतामेव महतामेव आपदः I
वर्धते क्षीयते चन्द्रः तु तारागनः क्कचित् II
Sampado mahataameva mahataameva cha aapadah IVardhate ksheeyate chanrah na tu taaraaganah kkchit II
Only the eminent have rise and fall, not the mediocre. It is the moon who waxes and wanes, not the stars.
शशी दिवसधूसरो गलितयौवना कामिनी
सरो विगतवारिजं मुखमनक्षरं स्वाकृतेः ।
प्रभुर्धनपरायणः सततदुर्गतिः सज्जनो

नृपाङ्गणगतः खलो मनसि सप्तशल्यानि मे ॥ Niti satakam
Moon looking grey in day time, a passionate lady past her prime, a lake with water-lilies dried out, handsome face of an illiterate person, a lord who is after wealth, a virtuous person in dire straits all the time, a wicked courtier to a king, these seven hurt my mind.

PS: To-day incidentally India launched its second mission Chandrayaan-2 to the moon successfully.

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