Saturday, July 6, 2019

THE MIND - MANAS / CHITTHAA (मनस् / चित्ता )

विष्ठायामुपविष्टा क्षणात्तु नैवेद्यमधिवसति
तद्वच्चित्तं धर्मे कनके कान्तासु मक्षिकेव सति
viShThAyAm upaviShTA kShaNAt tu naivedyam adhivasati।
tadvat chittam dharme kanake kAntAsu makShikA iva sati ॥
A fly sits on waste one moment and sits on God's offering the next moment. Our mind is also fickle like that - it thinks about Dharma one moment, gold the next and wife the next moment.
चञ्चलं हि मन: कृष्ण प्रमाथि बलवद्दृढम् |
तस्याहं निग्रहं मन्ये वायोरिव सुदुष्करम् || 34||
chañchalaṁ hi manaḥ kṛiṣhṇa pramāthi balavad dṛiḍham I
tasyāhaṁ nigrahaṁ manye vāyor iva su-duṣhkaram II
BG 6.34: The mind is very restless, turbulent, strong and obstinate, O Krishna. It appears to me that it is more difficult to control than the wind.
असंशयं महाबाहो मनो दुर्निग्रहं चलम् |
अभ्यासेन तु कौन्तेय वैराग्येण च गृह्यते || 35||
asanśhayaṁ mahā-bāho mano durnigrahaṁ chalam
abhyāsena tu kaunteya vairāgyeṇa cha gṛihyate
BG 6.35: Lord Krishna said: O mighty-armed son of Kunti, what you say is correct; the mind is indeed very difficult to restrain. But by practice and detachment, it can be controlled.
मन एव मनुष्याणां कारणं बन्धमोक्षयोः
बन्धाय विषयासक्तं मुक्त्यै निर्विषयं स्मृतम्  
mana eva manushyanam  karanam bandha-mokshayoh I
bandhaya visayasango   muktyai nirvisayam manah II
“For man, mind is the cause of bondage and mind is the cause of liberation. Mind absorbed in sense objects is the cause of bondage, and mind detached from the sense objects is the cause of liberation.” (Amrita-bindu Upanishad ) 
चित्ते प्रसन्ने भुवनं प्रसन्नं     चित्ते विषण्णे भुवनं विषण्णं I 
अतोभिलाषो यदि ते सुखेस्यात्   चित्ते प्रसादे प्रतमं यतस्व  II 
Chitte prasanne bhuvanam prasannam, chitte vishanne bhuvanam vishannam I

Atobhilaasho yadi te sukhesyaat chitte prasaade pratamam yatasva II
If the mind is happy, the entire world seems happy, if the mind is despondent , the entire world seems so. Hence if you desire happiness, strive towards the happiness of the mind first.
மனத்துக்கண் மாசிலன் ஆதல் அனைத்தறன்
ஆகுல நீர பிற.Kural-34
 Spotless be thou in mind! This only merits virtue's name; All else, mere pomp of idle sound, no real worth can claim. 
मनो हि द्विविधं प्रोक्तं शुध्दं चाशुध्दमेव
अशुध्दं कामसंकल्पं शुध्दं कामविवर्जितम्
Mano hi dvividam proktam suddham cha asuddhameva cha I
Asuddham kaama samkalpam suddham kaama vivarjitham II
Mind is described as of two kinds, Pure and impure mind. Impure mind is that which is filled with desire, Pure mind is that which is devoid of lust.


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