Monday, July 29, 2019


शब्दादिभिः पञ्चभिरेव पञ्च 
पञ्चत्वमापुः स्वगुणेन बद्धाः
कुरङ्गमातङ्गपतङ्गमीन भृङ्गा 
नरः पञ्चभिरञ्चितः किम् ७६ VIVEKA CHUDAAMANI
śabdādibhiḥ pañcabhireva pañca  pañcatvamāpuḥ svaguṇena baddhāḥ | kuraṅgamātaṅgapataṅgamīna  bhṛṅgā naraḥ pañcabhirañcitaḥ kim || 76 || 
The deer, the elephant, the moth, the fish and the black-bee – these five have died, being tied to one or other of the five senses, viz. sound etc., through their own attachment. What then is in store for man who is attached to all these five.
Inthe 'SUKRA NITI' we have separate slokas for each one of the sensations:
शब्दः स्पर्सस्च रूपञ्च रसो गन्धश्च पञ्चमः I
एकैकस्त्वलमेतेषां विनाश प्रतिपत्तये II
Sound,touch,sight,taste,and smell-each one of  these five on it's own  is sufficient to cause destruction.
शुचिर्दर्भाङ्कुराहारो विदूर भ्रमणे क्षमः I
लुब्ध कोद्गीत मोहेन मृगो मृगयते वधम् II
The deer which is innocent feeds upon grass and blades , and can roam far and wide , seeks death attracted by the music of the temptor. ( sabdaa )
गिरीन्द्र  शिखराकारो लीलयोन्मूलित द्रुमः I
करिणी स्पर्श संमोहाद् बन्धनं याति वारणः II
The elephant whose stature is like the peak of a mountain, and who can uproot trees with ease , is, however caught because of the pleasure of contact with the female.( sparsaa)
स्निग्ध दीप शिखा लोक विलोलित विलोचनः I
मृत्यु मृच्छति सम्मोहात् पतङ्गः सहसा पतन् II
The fly gets death by falling suddenly in to the lamp because of its  mad passion through gratification of eyes by the light of the wick in an oil lamp.(roopaa)
अगाध सलिले मग्नो दूरेS पि दासतो वसन् I
मीनस्तु सामिषं लोहामास्वादयति मृत्यवे II
The fish though it dives in to unfathomed depths and lives in distant abodes, tastes the angle with meat for death.(rasaa)
उत्कर्तितुं समर्थोऽपि गन्तुं सपक्षकः I
द्विरेफो गन्ध लोभेन कमले याति बन्धनं I
The bee which has the power of cutting holes , and can fly with wings , gets however caught with in a lotus because of its desire for smell. ( gandhaa)
एकैकशो विनिघ्नन्ति विषया विष संनिभाः I
किं पुनः पञ्च मिलिताः कथं नाशयन्ति हि II
The poison- like vishayaas are each capable of ruining men. Cannot the five combined cause destruction?
* The seven slokas from sukra niti have been contributed by my brother Sri V.N.Prahlad from Puttaparthi-Andra Pradesh

 சுவைஒளி ஊறுஓசை நாற்றமென ஐந்தின் வகைதெரிவான் கட்டே உலகு. Kural-27 ஐம்புலன்களின் இயல்பை உணர்ந்து அவற்றை அடக்கியாளும் திறன் கொண்டவனையே உலகம் போற்றும்.
Ta ste, light, touch, sound, and smell: who knows the way Of all the five,- the world submissive owns his sway. 

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