Tuesday, July 9, 2019

TIME- CONTROLLER (2) - KAALAH ( कालः - यमा )


नैवाकृति: फलति नैव कुलं शीलं
विद्यापि नैव यत्नकृताऽपि सेवा।
भाग्यानि पूर्वतपसा खलु सञ्चितानि
काले फलन्ति पुरुषस्य यथैव वृक्षा:।।

Nothing fructifies beforehand-neither the form, nor the family background, not even one's virtues, nor even the education, not also the painstaking service rendered to the community. It is the fortune of a person accrued by the performance of penance that yields fruits in due course, like the tree which yields fruits when it is time.

कामधेनुगुना विद्या ह्यकाले फलदायिनी।
प्रवासे मातृसदृशी विद्या गुप्तं धनं स्मृतम्॥
kāmadhenugunā vidyā hyakāle phaladāyinī
pravāse mātṛsadṛśī vidyā guptaṃ dhanaṃ smṛtam

Learning is like a cow of desire. It, like her, yields results  in all seasons. Like a mother, it feeds you on your journey, therefore learning is a subtle  treasure.
इदमद्य करिष्यामि श्वः कर्तास्मि इति वादिनम्
कालो हरति संप्राप्तो नदीवेग इव द्रुमम्
Idamadya karishyaami svah kartaasmi iti vaadinam I Kaalo harati samprapto nadeevega iva drumam II
Time devours men who think  aloud " This I will do to-day and that I will do 
to-morrow " like trees getting swept away by fast current of the river.
पुनः प्रभातं पुनरेव शर्वरी  पुनः शशांकः पुनरुद्यते रविः
कालस्य किं गच्छति याति यौवनं  तथापि लोकः कथितं बुध्यते
Punah prabhaatam punareva sharvari punah shashankah punarudyate ravih I
Kaalasya kim gacchati yaati youvanam tathapi lokah kathitam na bhudyate II
It is day and it is night, It is moon and it is the sun ,this goes on endlessly. Time goes on unaffected. Youth is gone like in a flash, still the world goes about with out any concern.
अनित्यानि  शरीराणि  विभवो  नैव  शाश्वतः    |
नित्यं  संनिहितो  मृत्युः  कर्तव्यो  धर्मसङ्ग्रहः || - चाणक्य नीति (१२/१२ )
Anityaani shareeraani  vibhavo  naiva  shaashvatah.
Nityam smnihito  mrutyuh  kartavyo  dharmasangrahh.
Sariram and also wealth are impermanent. Also, Death is certain! , hence one should not delay the observance of dharma.

அன்றறிவாம் என்னாது அறஞ்செய்க மற்றது
பொன்றுங்கால் பொன்றாத் துணை.Kural-36
Do deeds of virtue now. Say not, 'To-morrow we'll be wise'; Thus, when thou diest, shalt thou find a help that never dies. 
पुस्तकस्था तु  या  विद्या  परहस्त  गतं  धनं  |
कार्यकाले समुत्पन्ने  सा विद्या तद्धनम्  || - चाणक्य नीति (१६/२० )
Pustakasthaa  tu  yaa  idyaa  parahasta  gatam  dhanam.
kaaryakaale samutpanne  na  saa vidyaa na taddhanam.
 Knowledge enshrined only in books and wealth under control of others,  whenever a need arises  then  neither  the said knowledge nor the wealth will be of help.


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