Sunday, July 21, 2019

WOOD-KAASHTAH ( काष्टः, दारू , इन्धनं )

यथा काष्ठं काष्ठं समेयातां महार्णवे।
समेत्य व्यपेयातां कालमासाद्य कञ्चन।।2.105.26।।
एवं भार्याश्चपुत्राश्च ज्ञातयश्च धनानि च।
समेत्य व्यवधावन्ति ध्रुवो ह्येषां विनाभवः।।2.105.27।।
Yatha kaashtam cha kaashtam cha sameyaataam mahaarnaveI
Samethya cha vyapeyaataam kaalamaasaaya kanchanaII
Evam bhaaryascha putraascha gyaatayascha dhanaanichaI
Samethya vyadhaavanti dhruvo hyesham vinaabhavah IIRamayana
In a mighty ocean, two pieces of logs meet one another, float together and in due course get separated. In the same way wives, sons, relatives and riches remain together for some time and thereafter get separated. Their separation is certain.
शुष्क काष्टै:भवेत् कार्यं लोष्टै: अपि च पांसुभिः I 
न तु स्थानात् परिभ्रष्टः समर्थोऽपि निरर्थकः II Ramayana
Even dry twigs, coconut shell and dusty sands are sometimes useful; but a king fallen from his sway cannot be useful even to that extent.
नमन्ति फलिता वृक्षा  नमन्ति च बुधा जनाः,

शुष्ककाष्ठानि मूर्खाश्च  भिद्यन्ते न नमन्ति च।
Fruit-bearing trees bend. Genuine scholars bow down in modesty.But, dried sticks and fools don't bend, they break.
पुष्पे गन्धं तिले तैलं काष्ठेऽग्निं पयसि घृतम्
इक्षौ गुडं तथा देहे पश्यात्मानं विवेकतः॥
 puṣpē gandhaṁ tilē tailaṁ kāṣṭhē̕gniṁ payasi ghr̥tam |
 ikṣau guḍaṁ tathā dēhē paśyātmānaṁ vivēkataḥ ||
[As] fragrance in flower, oil in sesame seeds, fire in wood (araNi wood), ghee (fat) in milk, sugar in sugarcane, so see the Supreme Divine in the body by the power of discrimination.
 काष्टाद्यथाग्निरुत्पन्न: स्वाश्रयं दहति क्षणात्  |
 क्रोधाग्निर्देहजस्तद्वत्तमेव   दहति  ध्रुवं  || 
Kaashthaadyathaagnirutpannah  svaashryam dahati kshanaat.
Krodhaagnirdehajastadvattameva  dahati dhruvam.
For instance,  fire is produced between  two pieces of wood on being rubbed together vigorously and burns them  instantly, in the same manner when the instinct  of anger like a fire  hidden inside the
mind of a person  flares up during a quarrel or conflict it certainly (burns) causes harm to him.
तिलमध्ये यथा तैलं क्षीरमध्ये यथा घृतम्
पुष्पमध्ये यथा गन्धः फलमध्ये यथा रसः।
काष्ठाग्निवत्प्रकाशेत आकाशे वायुवच्चरेत्॥UTTARA GITA
Thila madhye yatha tailam kshira madhye yatha ghrutam II
Pushpa madhye yatha gandhah phala madhye yatha rasah I
Kashtagnivatprakaasheta aakaashe vayuvat charet II
As oil is found in sesamum(thilam), Ghee in milk, fragrance in the flower, juice in fruits,fire in wood,wind in space ( one has to see the atman in the body ).
अतिपरिचयादवज्ञा संततगमनादनादरो भवति  
मलये भिल्लपुरन्ध्री चन्दनतरुकाष्ठमिन्धनं कुरुते
Too much familiarity causes contempt,frequent visits disrespect, wife of a person of Bhilla tribe in Malaya mountains uses  twig of sandalwood tree as firewood.
उदकान् हि नयन्ति नेत्तिका उसुकार नमयन्ति तेजनम्।
दारुं नमयन्ति तच्चका अत्तानं दमयन्ति पण्डिता॥

Irrigators direct the water, Fletchers fashion the shaft, Carpenters bend the wood,
The wise control their senses.                                                                             

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