Tuesday, July 2, 2019


युक्तियुक्तं वचो ग्राह्यं बालादपि शुकादपि I
ग्राह्यं साक्षादपि बृहस्पतेः II
Yuktiyuktam vacho grahyam baalaadapi shukaadapi.
Ayuktamapi na graahyam saakshaadapi vruhaspate.
If some rational and proper advice is given to you even by a child or a talking parrot, it should be taken seriously and heeded, whereas any thing irrational told to you should not be accepted, even if such advice is given personally by Bruhaspati, the guru of Gods.

युक्तं विज्ञाय वदतां न वयो भेद ईक्ष्यते I 
ज्वलेद् बालस्य दीपो अपि  II 
Yuktam vigyaaya vadataam na vayo bheda eekshyate I Jvaled baalasya deepo api II
When sensible advice is being given, people don't pay attention to the age. The lamp held by a young boy illuminates as much as by any one else. 

 अबलस्य बलं राजा बालस्य रुदितं बलम्
बलं मूर्खस्य मौनित्वं तस्करस्यानृतं बलम्
Abalasya balam rAjA bAlasya ruditam balam ।
Balam mUrkhasya maunitvam taskarasya anRutam balam ॥
A king must be the support of the weak. A child gets its support from crying. A fool must use silence as his power and ability to tell lies is the power of thieves.
विषादयमृतं ग्राह्यं बालादपि सुभाषितम्
अमित्रादपि सद्वृत्तं अमेध्यादपि कांचनम्
viShAd amRutam grAhyam bAlAdapi subhAShitam ।
amitrAdapi sadvRuttam amedhyaadapi kAnchanam ॥

Elixir should be extracted even from poison. A good saying must be learnt even from a small child. Good character must be emulated even from enemies. Gold must be extracted even from garbage.
युक्तियुक्तं प्रगृह्णीयाद् बालादपि विचक्षणः
रवेरविषयं वस्तु किं दीपः प्रकाशयेत्॥
Yukti yuktam pragruneeyat baalaadapi vichakshanah I
Raveravishayam vastu kim na deepah prakashayet II

A wise person should receive a good word or advice even from a child. Does the lamp not illuminate a place where the sun cannot reach?
माता शत्रुः पिता वैरी, येन बालो पाठितः
शोभते सभामध्ये, हंसमध्ये बको यथा
 mAtA shatruH pitA vairI, yena bAlo na pAThitaH |
na shobhate sabhAmadhye, haMsamadhye bako yathA ||
Both the mother and father are enemies of a child if they do not educate him. He will be a misfit in any gathering - like a duck among swans.
बालानां त्वानन्दः क्रीडनकैरेव रत्नधनबहुलः ।
तद्वद्भक्तस्यापि प्रभुण्याह्यधिको धनप्रतिष्टातः ॥

Children like their toys much more than money or gems. Just like that, a true devotee will like proximity to God much more than fame or wealth.

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