Hamsa refers to a migratory bird, such as "swan, goose, flamingo", it reflects Om symbol, and symbolizes Atman.
हंसहंसेति सदा ध्यायन्सर्वेषु देहेषु व्याप्य वर्तते ॥
यथा ह्यग्निः काष्ठेषु तिलेषु तैलमिव तं विदित्वा मृत्युमत्येति II HAMSA UPANISAD
At our birth it enters into us, the migratory bird!
like the fire, invisibly present in the wood,
like the oil hidden in the sesame seed,
it dwells in the deepest depth of us:
to know that (the bird) is to free oneself from death. Translated by Jean Varenne
अनंतपारं किल शब्दशास्त्रं
स्वल्पं तथायुर्बहवश्च विघ्नाः ।
सारं ततो ग्राह्यमपास्य फल्गु
हंसैर्यथा क्षीरमिवांबुमध्यात् ॥
The vastness of knowledge (written in scriptures) is
huge. This life is short and filled with obstacles. Hence it is not possible to
read them all. One must attempt to understand the scriptures with most value
first and abandon the rest much like how a swan filters milk from water.
काकः पद्मवने रतिं न कुरुते हंसो न कूपोदके ।
मूर्खः पण्डितसङ्गमे न रमते दासो न सिंहासने II
Kaakah padmavane ratim na kurute hamso
na kupodake I
Murkhah panditasangame na ramate daaso
na simhasane II
The crow is not pleased with a forest
of lotus pond, swan doesn’t like to in a house well. A fool dislikes an
assembly of wise men, a servant is hesitant to sit on the throne.
यदि नाम दैवगत्या जगदसरोजं
कदाचिदपि जातम् ।
अवकरनिकरं विकिरति तत्किं
कृकवाकुरिव हंसाः ।।४।।
If by
providence the world becomes devoid of any lotuses, will the swans lament in
the tone of a cock ?
प्राज्ञोऽपि जल्पतां पुंसां श्रुत्वा वाचः शुभाSशुभाः ।
गुणवद्ववाक्यमादत्ते हंसः क्षीरमिवांभसः ॥
Just like a swan has the ability to separate milk
from water, a wise man must pay attention to only those words that matter
(truth). There will be gregarious people who will speak a lot about others -
some true, but mostly baseless.
नैर्मल्यं वपुषः तवास्ति वसतिः पद्माकरे जायते
मन्दं याहि मनोरमां वद गिरं मौनं च सम्पादय ।
धन्यस्त्वं बक राजहंसपदवीं प्राप्नोषि किं तै र्गुणैः
नीरक्षीरविभागकर्मनिपुणा शक्तिः कथं लभ्यते ॥
Your body is pure and white, you
live near a lotus pond, you walk slowly, speak nicely, or remain silent. You
crane! You are fortunate! With all these gunas even if you are made a
rajahamsaa , is it possible for you to separate water from milk? ( Not possible is
implied )
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