Thursday, June 13, 2019


आयु: कर्मच वित्तंच विद्या निधनमेवच I
पञ्चैतान्यपि सृज्यन्ते गर्भस्थस्यैव देहिन: II
Aayu: karmacha vittamcha vidyaa nidhanamevacha I Panchaitaanyapi srujyante garbhastasyaiva dehina: II
The life span, type of action one has to perform, amount of wealth, the degree of knowledge to be obtained, and the time of death  -- these five are  determined while a man is yet in the womb.
शनैः पन्थाः शनैः कन्था शनैः पर्वतमस्तके
शनैर्विद्या शनैर्वित्तं पञ्चैतानि शनैः शनैः
shanaih panthaah shanaih kanthaa shanaih parvatamastake | shanairvidyaa shanairvittam pancaitaani shanaih shanaih ||
These five have to happen slowly and gradually step by step: 1.Long journey by walk (paada yathraa), 2.Fading and wearing out of clothes,  3. Climbing a mountain peak  ,  4. Acquiring knowledge,  5.Earning of wealth.
मूर्खस्य पञ्च चिह्नानि गर्वो दुर्वचनं मुखे
हठी चैव विषादी परोक्तं नैव मन्यते   
Moorkhasya pancha chinhaani Garvo, durvachanam mukhe I hate chaiva vishaadicha paroktam naiva manyateII
A fool has five characteristic qualities; vanity, foul language, anger, stubbornness, lack of respect for others' opinions.
लोकयात्रा भयं लज्जा दाक्षिण्यं त्यागशीलता।
 पञ्च यत्र विद्यन्ते कुर्यात्तत्र संगतिम् ॥ CHANAKYA NITI
Loka yaatra bhayam lajjaa dakshinyam tyagashilataa I Pancha yatra na vidhynte na kuryaat tatra sangatim II
One should not reside in a place where there is lack of these five:1.Subsistance,2.dread of authority, 3. Sense of shame, 4. Politeness, 5. Charitableness.
धनिकः श्रोत्रियो राजा नदी वैद्यस्तु पंचमः
पंच यत्र विद्यन्ते तत्र वासं कारयेत्
dhanikaḥ shrotriyo rājā nadī vaidyastu pañchamaḥ pañcha yatra na vidyante tatra vāsaṃ na kārayet
Rich man, wise man, ruler, river, and fifth, doctor. Where these five are not, don't make residence there.
नर्मयुक्तं वचनं हिनस्ति   स्त्रीषु राजन्न विवाहकाले
प्राणात्यये सर्वधनापहारे      पञ्चानृतान्याहुरपातकानि
na narmayuktam vacanam hinasti    na striishu raajan na vivaahakaale |
praanaatyaye sarvadhanaapahaare    pancaanrtaanyaahurapaatakaani ||
One does not incur sin by telling lies in these five circumstances: 1.While making fun, 2. Talking to one’s own wife, 3. For saving a marriage, 4. When one’s life is at stake, 5. When one’s whole property is about to be confiscated.
பொய்மையும் வாய்மை யிடத்த புரைதீர்ந்த
நன்மை பயக்கும் எனின். KURAL : 292
Falsehood may take the place of truthful word,
If blessing, free from fault, it can afford.

Even falsehood has the nature of truth, if it confer a benefit that is free from fault.

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