Friday, June 14, 2019


दाता दरिद्रः कृपणो धन आड्य: पापी चिरायुः सुकृती गतायुः I
राजाS कुलीनः सुकुलीच भृत्यः कलौ युगे षड गुणं आश्रयन्ति II
Daataa daridrah krupano dhanaadyah paapi chiraayuh sukrutee gataayuh I Raajaa akuleenah Sukuleecha bhrutyah kalau yuge shad gunam aasryanti II
The generous becoming poor, miser becoming rich, sinner having a long life and good men having short life, Lowly men becoming kings, men of high standing becoming servants, all these six will become common in kali yuga
ईर्ष्यी घृणी त्वसन्तुष्टः क्रोधनो नित्यसङ्कितः
पर भाग्योपजीवी षडेते दुःखहागिनः
IrShyI ghRuNI tvasantuShTaH krodhano nityasankkitaH |   para bhAgyopajIvI cha ShaDete duHkhahAginaH ||
The following six kinds of people always ultimately come to grief and suffer in this world :
1.One who is jealous of others’ growth and prosperity, 2. One who has no sympathy for people not well placed as himself , 3. One who is never satisfied with anything that he gets, 4.  One who is in  anger with others without  any reason, 5.One who is suspicious of everybody, 6. One who exploits and  profits from others’ hard work.
आनुकूल्यस्य संकल्प: प्राति कूल्यस्य वर्जनं I
रक्षिस्यतीति विश्वास: गोप्त्रुत्व वरणं तथा I
आत्म निक्षेप कार्पन्ये षड्विदा शरणागति: II
Anukulyasya sankalpah pratikulyasya varjanam I
 Raksisyatiti visvaso goptrtve varanam tatha I
Atma-niksepa-karpanye sad-vidha saranagatih II
Total self-surrender or complete submission to God is known as prapatti, also known as sharanāgati or nyasa. Prapatti should have six constituents or qualities (angas) fulfilled:
 (1) Anukulasya sankalpa- accepting things favourable for devotional service, (2) Pratikulyasya varjanam rejecting things unfavourable for devotional service, (3) Maha Vishwash (Rakshisyati iti vishwasa) –  believing firmly in the Lord's protection, (4) Goptrutva varanam feeling exclusively dependent on the mercy of the Lord for one's maintenance, (5) Atmanikshepa – having no interest separate from that of the Lord, and (6) Karpanya – always feeling meek and humble before the Lord."

मूर्खो द्विजातिः स्थविरो गृहस्थः  कामी दरिद्रो धनवांस्तपस्वी
वेश्या कुरूपा नृपतिः कदर्यो     लोके षडेतानि विडम्बितानि
Moorkho dvijaatih staviro gruhastah kaamee daridro dhanavan tapasvi I Veshyaa kurupaa, nrupatih kadaryo loke shadethani vidambitaani II
A foolish Brahmin, an adult idling at home without going for work, poor man desiring the moon, rich man practising austerities, an  ugly actress, a miserly king, these six are scorned by the world.

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