Sunday, June 9, 2019


पूर्व जन्म कृतं कर्म दैवमित्यभिधीयते I
तस्मात् पुरुषकारेण यत्नं कुर्यात् अतन्द्रित: II
pUrvajanmakRutaM karma tad daivamiti abhideeyate |
tasmAt purUShakAreNa yatnam kuryAdatandritaH ||  --Hitopadesha
Hitopadesha warns, karma of previous birth is known as daiva (destiny made in previous birth). One should therefore work hard (in this birth) without relaxation and let up.
தெய்வத்தான் ஆகா தெனினும் முயற்சிதன்
மெய்வருத்தக் கூலி தரும்.  Kural-619
Though fate-divine should make your labour vain; Effort its labour's sure reward will gain. Although it be said that, through fate, it cannot be attained, yet labour, with bodily exertion, will yield its reward.
प्राप्तव्यं अर्थं लभते मनुष्य: दैवोऽपि तं लङ्घयितुं  सक्त्त: I
तस्मात् शोचामि विस्मयो मे यदस्मदीयं हि तत् परेषां II
Praptavyam artham labhate manushya: daivopi tam langhayitum na sakta: I
Tasmaat na shochaami na vismayo me yadasmadeeyam na hi tat pareshaam II
What ever one is destined to get, that he will always get it. Even fate cannot prevent it. Therefore, I never worry or wonder for anything. What is ours can never be usurped by others 
यथा  धेनु  सहस्रेषु  वत्सो गच्छति  मातरम्  |
तथा  पूर्व कृतं  कर्म  कर्तारमनुगच्छति     ||
Yata denu sahasreshu vatso gachchati maataram ITatha purva krutam karma kartaaram anugachchati I
For instance, in a herd of thousands of cows, their calves recognise their respective mothers and then follow them. In the same manner, the deeds done by a person also follow him thereby implying that ultimately he has to face the consequences of good or bad deeds done by him.
 अवश्यं अनुभोक्तव्यं कृतं कर्म  शुभा Sशुभं I
ना भुक्तं क्षीयते कर्म जन्म कोटिसतैरपि  II
 Avasyam anubhoktavyam kritham karma subhaasubham I Naabhuktham ksheeyathe karmakalpa kotisathairapi  II
 All past karmas good and bad must be endured by each;r for even after hundred crore Kalpas the past karma will not wear off on its own.
नाSकाले म्रियते जन्तु: विद्ध: शरशतैरापि I
कुशाSग्रेण एव संपृष्ट: प्राप्त कालो जीवति II
Na akaale mriyate jantu: viddha: shara shatairapi I Kushaagrena eva samprushta: praapta kaalo na jeevati II
If the time is not up, even pierced by hundreds of sharp arrows a man survives. But, if the time is ripe even the tip of a grass is enough to take one’s life.

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