Tuesday, August 13, 2019



काकचेष्टा बकध्यानं श्वाननिद्राल्पभोजनम् |
स्वाध्यायः संयमश्च छात्राणां लक्षणानि षट् ||
kaakacheShTaa bakadhyaanam shvaananidraalpabhojanam I
svaadhyaayah samyamashcha chhaatraaNaam lakShNaani ShaT II

1.  Alertness like a crow,2. Concentration like a stork, 3. Light Sleep like a dog, 4.Limited intake of food, 5.Reciting/Repeating/Rehearsing to one-self and 6. Self-control  are six qualities of a (good) Student.
एतदेव हि सच्छिष्यै: कर्तव्यं गुरुनिष्कृतम् ।
यद् वै विशुद्धभावेन सर्वार्थात्मार्पणं गुरौ ॥
ŚB 10.80.41
etad eva hi sac-chiyai kartavya guru-niktam
yad vai vi
śuddha-bhāvena sarvārthātmārpaa gurau

This indeed is the duty of all true disciples: to repay the debt to their spiritual master by offering him, with pure hearts, their wealth and even their very lives.

Sishya lakshaNam: A person who wishes to learn and be instructed by an AcArya should have a number of  qualifications .SvAmi deSikan has outlined 15 Sishya lakshaNa-s in 
Nyasa vimsati-Slokam 3.
सद्भुद्धिः साधु सेवी समुचितचरितस्तत्वबोधाभिलाषी
शुशृषुस्त्यक्तमानः प्रणिपतनपरः प्रश्नकालप्रतीषः
 शान्तो दान्तोऽनसूयुः शरणमुपगतः शास्त्रविश्वासशाली
 शिष्य प्राप्तः परीक्षां कृतविदभिमतं तत्त्वतः शिक्ष्णणीयः ३॥NYASA VIMSATI
1. Sad buddhih- Pure intellect without blemishes
2. Saadu sevee- Servility in respect of Bhagavataas
3. Samuchita charitah-Implicit observance of swava dharma
4. Tatva bodah abhilaashi- Enthusiasm for learning about Tatva,hita and purusharta
5. shushrushuh-Eagerness to serve the preceptor in his daily routine
6. Tyakta maanah-Totally free from self-conceit when serving the acharya
7.Prani patana parah-Enthusiasm to fall flat as a matter of implicit obedience and reverence to the acharya
8. Prasna kala prateekshah- Learning to benefit from acharya’s explanations
9. shaantah-Successful conquest of the five senses
10. Daantah-Complete over the mind
11. Anasooyuh-Absence of jealousy
12. Charanam upagatah-To reside close to acharya for acquiring spiritual knowledge
13. Shaastra visvaasa shaalee-Implicit faith in scriptures and their mandates
14. Pareekshaam praaptah-Readiness to be subject to various tests
15. Kruta vid-Gratitude for the enormous service rendered by the acharya
गुरुणा यो अभिमन्येत गुरुं वा अभिमन्येते I 
ता उभौ परमां सिद्धिं नियमाद् उपगच्छतः II Bharadwaja samhita
The one who is dear to the acharya and the Sishya who adores the acharya will both gain liberation ( paramam siddhim) undoubtedly.

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