Saturday, August 10, 2019


अनित्यं यौवनं बाल्यं शरीरं द्रव्यसंचयाः।
 भावाभ्दावान्तरं यान्ति तरग्ङवदनारतम्॥ Yoga Vasishtha 1.28.10
Anithyam yauvanam balyam shareeram dravya sanchayaah I
Bhavaadbhavaantaram yaanti tarangavadanaaratam II
 Our childhood and youth, bodies and possessions are all but transient things, and they change from one state to another, as the ever fluctuating waves of the ocean.
यो ध्रुवाणि परित्यज्य अध्रुवाणि निषेवते।
ध्रुवाणि तस्य नश्यन्ति अध्रुवं नष्टमेव
yo dhruvANi parityajya adhruvANi niShevate
dhruvANi tasya nashyanti adhruvaM naShTameva ca

If one leaves the 'permanent' and runs behind the 'temporary' - he will end up losing both. The permanent is lost and the temporary would never have lasted anyway.
अनित्यानि  शरीराणि  विभवो  नैव  शाश्वतः    |
नित्यं  संनिहितो  मृत्युः  कर्तव्यो  धर्मसङ्ग्रहः ||- चाणक्य नीति (१२/१२ )
Anityaani shareeraani  vibhavo  naiva  shaashvatah.
Nityam smnihito  mrutyuh  kartavyo  dharmasangrahh.
All living beings in this World are impermanent , and their wealth, status and power is also not eternal.  Death is always present there to take away their life .  So, it is the duty of every one to observe   moral code of conduct .
அற்கா இயல்பிற்றுச் செல்வம் அதுபெற்றால்
அற்குப ஆங்கே செயல். Kural:333

Wealth is perishable; let those who obtain it immediately practice those (virtues) which are imperishable.
प्राणं वापि परित्यज्य मानमेवाभि रक्षतु I
अनित्यो भवति प्राणो मानस्त्वा चन्द्र तारकं II Mahabharatham
Praanam vapi parityajya maanamevaabhi rakshatu I
Anityo bhavati praano manastvaa Chandra taarakam II

One should protect his honour even if he has to lose his life in the process. For, life is impermanent while honour will live till the moon and the stars.
किं पुनर्ब्राह्मणा: पुण्या भक्ता राजर्षयस्तथा |
अनित्यमसुखं लोकमिमं प्राप्य भजस्व माम्
|| 33||Bhagavad Gita
ki punar brāhmaā puyā bhaktā rājarhayas tathā
anityam asukha
lokam ima prāpya bhajasva mām  : BG 9.33
What then to speak about kings and sages with meritorious deeds? Therefore, having come to this transient and joyless world, engage in devotion unto Me.
किन्नु चित्तं मनुष्याणां अनित्यमिति मे मतं I
सतां च धर्म नित्यानां कृत शोभिच राघव II Ramayanam
Kinnu chittam manushyaanaam anityamiti me matam I
Sataam cha dharma nityaanaam kruta shobhicha Raghava II

Human minds are rarely constant and ever changing .It is only by their consistent deeds the virtue of the good is shown.
त्यज दुर्जनसंसर्गं भज साधुसमागमम् 
कुरु पुण्यमहोरात्रं स्मर नित्यं अनित्यतां  
tyaja durjanasasarga bhaja sādhusamāgamam ।
kuru pu
yamahorātra smara nityam anityataam ॥
Leave the proximity of evildoers; resort to the company of the noble. Perform virtuous deeds day and night, remember the impermanence all the time.

अध्रुवेण शरीरेण प्रतिक्षण विनाशिना
ध्रुवं यो नार्जयेत् धर्मं शोच्यः मूढचेतनः
Adruvam shareerena pratikshana vinaashinaa I
Dhruvam yo naarjayet dharmam sa shochyah mooda chetanah II

Knowing the body to be  impermanent and deteriorating every moment ,if one does not endeavor to acquire spiritual merit, he will be considered as a fool. 

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