Monday, August 12, 2019


आचिनोति   शास्त्राणि  आचारे  स्थापयत्यपि  .स्वयं आचारते यस्मात् तस्मात् आचार्य उच्यते ..
Aachinoti cha shastraani aachare stapayatyapi ISvayam aacharate yasmaat tasmaat aacharya uchayate II
One who has mastered and is well versed in various śāstras and who is able to put it into practice as well as enables his students to get into the practice of these is called ācāryaḥ.

सिद्धं सत्संप्रदाये स्थिरधियमनघं श्रोत्रियं ब्रह्मनिष्ठं
सत्त्वस्थं सत्यवाचं समयनियतया साधुवृत्त्या समेतम्
 डम्भासूयादिमुक्तं जितविषयगणं दीर्घबन्धुं दयालुं

स्खालित्ये शासितारं स्वपरहितपरं देशिकं भूष्णुरीप्सेत् १॥ Nyasa Vimsati
siddham satsampradAyE sthira dhiyamanagham  SrOtriyam brahma nishTham
 sattvastham satya vAcam samaya niyatayA  sAdhu vruttyA samEtam | 
Dambha asooyAadi muktam jita vishayi gaNam  deergha bandhum dayaaLum
 skhAlityE SaasitAram sva para hita param  dEsikam bhUshNureepsEt ||
A disciple aspiring to rise up spiritually ought to resort to an Achaaryaa ,who fulfills the following criteria. The acharya ought to possess these qualifications :
1.sat-sampradAyE siddham -  firmly established in the lofty Sath sampradhAyam.
2. sthira dhiyam – Well learned in essentials without doubt, vagueness, confusion etc . Also he   should be of firm mind against objections or ingenious refutations.
3. anagam –He  should be free from any kind of blemishes/sins;
4. SrOtriyam - He should be fully conversant with VedAs and VedAnthAs.Well trained by the process of preceptor’s training.
  5. brahma nishTham –Well-fixed in devotion to the brahman. He should have  asanchala Bhagavath bhakthi.
  6. sattvastham - He should have the dominance of Satthva guNam among his aathma guNams.
7. satya vaacham - He should be truthful always and stay away from deceitful speech. Ever intent on good to all.
8. samaya niyatayA sAdu vruttyA samEtam - He should be adept at anushtAnams defined by pious ones that are appropriate for the different occasions.  ( Observing 1.Abhigamana,2.Upadana,  3. Ijya, 4.Swadyaayaa, and 5.Yoga )
9. Dambha asooyAdhi muktam - He should not have egotism, jealousy and other inauspicious guNams.
10. jita vishayi gaNam  -He will have full control over His Karma and gyana  indriyams.  In  other words, he will have indhriya nigraham.
11. deerga bandhum - He should be an all- weather friend and guide to his disciples.
12. dayaaLum - He should be most compassionate (Dayaa Moorthy). His kindness for his sishyAs is spontaneous (nirhEthukam). He will be an avyAja karuNA moorthy for his disciples.
13. skhAlityE SaasitAram –He should correct his disciples as and when they commit trespasses against scriptural acts , sins, or wrongful acts and recommends appropriate PrAyaschitthams to eliminate those sins.
14. Sva para hita param – Interested in the good of others ( including the disciples) more than in his own good.
 Swamy Desikan instructs ( In NYASA VIMSATI ) that one who seeks sathgathi (bhUshNu:) should seek a SadAcAryan having these fourteen auspicious guNams. ( explanations are very brief and those who are interested in knowing more should refer to the  original text and vyakyaanams. )
यस्य  देवे  परा भक्तिर -यथा  देवे  तथा  गुरौ  I
तस्यैते  कथिता ह्यर्थाः  प्रकाशन्ते  महात्मनः II
“Only unto those great souls who have implicit faith in both the Lord and the spiritual master are all the imports of Vedic knowledge automatically revealed.”

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