Tuesday, August 6, 2019


अनारम्भो हि कार्याणां प्रथमं बुद्धिलक्षणं
प्रारम्भस्य अन्तगमनं द्वितीयं बुद्धिलक्षणं
Not starting over ambitious projects is the first sign of intelligence. But once started, sustaining interest till it is completed is the second sign.
शुश्रुषा श्रवणं चैव ग्रहणं धारणं तथा 
ऊहापोहार्थविज्ञानं तत्वज्ञानं  धीगुणाः॥ 
“Willing to listen, to actually listen, to understand what we listen, to be able to remember what we have listened, to be able to deduce some conclusions and put forth arguments, to be able to formalize and conclusively put forth the thought, knowledge of the around and Philosophy - these are the eight facets of 'buddhi' (wisdom).”
यः पठति लिखति पश्यति परिपृच्छति पण्डितानुपाश्रयति
तस्य दिवाकरकिरणैर्नलिनीदलमिव विकास्यते बुद्धिः
yaH paThati likhati pashyati pari pRucChati paNDitan upAshrayati
tasya divAkara kiraNaiH nalinIdalamiva vikAsyate buddhiH

If one reads, writes, observes, questions and serves the scholars then his wisdom will grow like the petals of a lotus flower when touched by sun rays.
सुमंत्रिते सुविक्रांते सुकृतौ सुविचारिते
प्रारंभे कृतबुद्धीनां सिद्धिरव्यभिचारिणी
su mantrite suvikrAnte sukRutau suvichArite
prArambhe kRutabuddhInAm siddhiH avyabhichAriNI
Success is certain for wise men who embark on a mission only after planning well, execute boldly, consult people (experts), and think ahead.
यस्तु सञ्चरते देशान् सेवते यस्तु पण्डितान्
तस्य विस्तारिता बुद्धिस्तैलबिन्दुरिवाम्भसि
If a person travels different countries and serves (works under one as an apprentice) scholars, then his intellect will expand just like a oil drop on a water.
बुद्धि: प्रभाव तेजश्च सत्वमुत्थान मेव I
व्यवसायश्च यस्यास्ति तस्य वृत्ति भयं कुतः II
Buddhih prabhava tejascha satvamutthana meva cha I
Vyavasaayascha yasyaasti tasya vrutti bhayam kutah II

A person who is intelligent, influential, powerful, is always enthusiastic for his growth, and is already engaged in a profession, how can be fearful for not having any means of livelihood .

माता मित्रं पिता चेति स्वभावात् त्रतयं हितम्
कार्यकारणतश्चान्ये भवन्ति हितबुद्धयः
Mother, Friend and Father - these three always do good to you. Any body else being nice to you is always for their own benefit.
अभ्दिः गात्राणि शुध्यन्ति मनः सत्येन् शुध्यति ।
विद्यातपोभ्यां भूतात्मा बुद्धिर्ज्ञानेन शुध्यति ॥
You can clean your body with water. Your conscience is cleaned by the truth. Your soul is controlled by education (eg.  Nachiketa's Atmavidya). Your intellect is cleaned by knowledge.
आत्मबुद्धिः सुखं  चैव  गुरुबुद्धिर्विशेषतः |
परबुद्धिर्विनाशाय  स्त्रीबुद्धिः प्रलयंकरी  ||
Aatmabuddhih sukham chaivqa gurubuddhirvisheshatah.
Parabuddhirvinaashaaya streebuddhih pralayamkaree.
To act according to one's own knowledge,  and especially the
knowledge gained from a learned teacher results in happiness.  However,
acting on the advice of a stranger is ruinous and acting on the advice of
women results in total destruction.
उशना वेद यच्छास्त्रं यच्च वेद बृहस्पतिः
स्वभावेनैव तच्छास्त्रं स्त्रीबुद्धौ सुप्रतिष्ठितम्
All the wisdom and intelligence attributed to Shukracharya and Bruhaspati is already present naturally in a woman.

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