Wednesday, August 28, 2019

INTELLIGENCE-2- BUDDHI-DHEEH-PRAGYA- ( बुद्धिः-धी: -प्रज्ञा)

यस्य बुद्धिर्बलं तस्य निर्बुद्धेस्तु कुतो बलम् I Hitopadesa
Yasya buddhirbalam tasya nirbuddhestu kuto balam?
He who has intelligence  has strength (power), where is power in a fool?
ज्ञानं प्रधानं न तु कर्महीनं कर्मप्रधानं न तु बुद्धिहीनम् |
तस्माद्द्वयोरेव भवेत्सुसिद्धिर्न ह्येकपक्षो विहगः प्रयाति ||
jnaana pradhaanam na tu karmaheenam karmapradhaanam na tu buddhiheenamI
tasmaaddvayoreva bhavetsusiddhirna hyekapaKsho vihagah prayaati II
Knowledge without appropriate  action is useless. Action is useless without the intellect either. Just as a bird needs both its wings to take flight, any action to be fruitful has to be supported by knowledge (backed by the intellect).
सुमंत्रिते सुविक्रांते सुकृतौ सुविचारिते
प्रारंभे कृतबुद्धीनां सिद्धिरव्यभिचारिणी  
 su mantrite suvikrAnte sukRutau suvichArite ।
prArambhe kRutabuddhInAm siddhiH avyabhichAriNI ॥
  Success is certain for wise men who embark on a mission only after consulting experts , planning well , execute the project  boldly and effectively,  and think ahead.
अनारम्भो हि कार्याणां प्रथमं बुद्धीलक्षणम् |
प्रारब्धस्य अन्तगमनं द्वितीयं बुद्धीलक्षणम् ||
  anaarambho hi kaaryaaNaam prathamam buddhilakshaNam  I
  praarabdhasya antagamanam dveeteeyam buddhilakshaNam II
Not starting the work (which is beyond one’s capacity) is the first sign of intelligence (buddhi) . Completing the task that has been undertaken without fear of failure is the  second sign of ‘buddhi’.
 मनो धावति सर्वत्र मदोन्मत्त गजेंद्रवत्
ज्ञानांकुशसमा बुद्धिस्तस्य निश्चलते मनः
Mano dhaavati sarvatra madonmatta gajendravat I
Gyanaankushasamaa buddhittasya nischalate manah IIThe mind always runs amok like a (furious and frenzied) drunk elephant !A person whose intellect is controlled by the whip of knowledge , only such a person's mind can become steady.
बुद्धिश्च हीयते पुंसां नीचैः सह समागमात्
मध्यमैर् मध्यतां याति श्रेष्ठैः श्रेष्ठत्वम् आप्नुयुः ॥  Mahabharath
Buddhischa heeyate pumsaam neechaihi saha samaagamaat IMadyamair madyataam yaati shreshtaih shreshtatvam aapnuyuh II The mind is influenced by the people around. Being in the company of the lowly it becomes lowly.  In the company off the mediocre it tends to be mediocre, and association with the noble elevates the mind accordingly.  (  People telling pandavas when they were leaving for the forest )
पुराणमित्येव साधु सर्वं  चाऽपि काव्यं नवमित्यवद्यम्।
सन्तः परीक्ष्यान्यतरत् भजन्ते   मूढ्ः परप्रत्ययनेयबुद्धिः ॥ Kalidasa
Puraanamityeva na saadhu sarvam  Na chaapi kaavyam navamityavadyam I
Santah pareekshyaanyatarat bhajante  Moodhah parapratyayaneya buddhih II
All kavyaas are not good just because they are old. All kaavyas are not bad because they are new. Wise people examine both and decide whether a kaavya is good or bad. Only a fool will be blindly led by what others say.
क्षन्तव्यो मन्दबुद्धीनामपराधो मनीषिणा l
न हि सर्वत्र पाण्डित्यं सुलभं पुरुषे क्वचित् ll
kShantavyo mandabuddheenaamaparaadho maneeShiNaa l
na hi sarvatra paaNDityam sulabham puruShe kvachit ll
The follies of the dull witted should be forgiven. For, erudition doesn’t come easy to people in this world.
अलिरनुसरति परिमलं लक्ष्मीरनुसरति नयगुणसमृद्धिः |
निम्नमनुसरति  सलिलं  विधिलिखितं  बुद्धिरनुसरति ||
aliranusarati parimalam lakShmiranusarati nayagunasamriddhih |
nimnamanusarati salilam vidhilikhitam buddhiranusarati ||
Honey bees follow a trail of fragrance, and Lakshmi, the Goddess of Wealth, bestows her favours to the wise, talented and men of character. Water chooses its course always to a level lower than its present level, and the intellect of a person is guided by his destiny.
इन्द्रियाणि पराण्याहुरिन्द्रियेभ्य: परं मन: |
मनसस्तु परा बुद्धिर्यो बुद्धे: परतस्तु स: ||  BHAGAVAD GITA
 Indriyāṇi parāṇyāhur indriyebhyaḥ paraṁ manaḥ I
 manasas tu parā buddhir yo buddheḥ paratas tu saḥ II
The senses are superior to the gross body, and superior to the senses is the mind. Beyond the mind is the intellect, and even beyond the intellect is the soul. 

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