Friday, August 9, 2019

FIRE- VAHNIH-AGNI- ( वह्निः - अग्निः)

क्षमा शस्त्रं करे यस्य दुर्जनः किं करिष्यति
 अतृणे पतितो वह्निः स्वयमेवोपशाम्यति
Kshama shastram  kare yasya durjanah kim karishyati I
Atrune patito vahnih svayameva upasaamyati II
What can a wicked person do to someone who has the weapon of forgiveness in his hands? Fire fallen on ground without any grass extinguishes by itself.
क्षते प्रहाराः निपतन्ति अभीक्ष्णं धनक्षये वर्धति जाठराग्निः
 आपत्सु वैराणि समुद्भदंति चिद्रेषु अनर्थाः बहुलीभवंति
Kshate praharaah nipatanti abheekshanam dhanakshaye vardhati jaataragnih I
Aapatsu vairaani samudbavanti chidreshu anarthaah bahuleebhavanti II

When one is wounded ,more wounds fall on him repeatedly, When the money is gone (become poor) the hunger( jaataraagnih ) increases, At the time of trouble the enemies crop up, when you are divided (without unity) problems become plenty.
ऋणशेषोऽग्निशेषश्च शत्रुशेषस्तथैव
 पुनः पुनः प्रवर्धन्ते तस्माच्छेषं रक्षयेत्
Runa sheho agni sheshascha shatru sheshas tathaiva cha I
Punah punah pravardhante tasmaat shesham na rakshayet II
Any remainder of debt, fire and enemy grow rapidly again and again, hence no remainder should be entertained .
वनानि दहतः वह्नेः सखा भवति मारुतः
  एव दीप नाषाय कृशे कस्य अस्ति सौहृदम्
The wind becomes the friend of fire that burns forests. The same wind causes destruction of fire in the form of a lighted wick. Who indeed has friends in times of weakness ?
अहं  ममत्येव  भवस्य बीजं  न  मे  न  चाहं भवबीजशान्तिः |
बीजे  प्रनष्टे कुत  एव जन्मः निरिन्धनो वह्निरुपैतिशान्तिः ||
Aham mamatyeva bhavasya beejam na mey na chaaham bhavabeejashaantih.
Beeje pranashte kuta eva janmah nirindhano vahnirupaiti shaantih.
 Feeling “I and mine” are  the seeds for re-birth. “ not I ,not mine “ feeling gives liberation.  Just as fire gets extinguished if there is no fuel , if the seed is burnt , how can there be punar janma?
अग्निरापः स्त्रियो मूर्खाः सर्पा राजकुलानि नित्यं यत्नेन सेव्यानि सद्यःप्राणहराणि षट् ॥६४॥Agnirapah striyo moorkhaah sarpaa rajakulaani cha INityam yatnena sevyaani sadyah pranaharaani shat IIFire(agni), water(aapah), women, fools, snakes and royalty, these have to be served with care always, for they have the potential to take your life instantly.
धूमेनाव्रियते वह्निर्यथादर्शो मलेन च |
यथोल्बेनावृतो गर्भस्तथा तेनेदमावृतम् || 38||Bhagavad Gita
dhūmenāvriyate vahnir yathādarśho malena cha
ito garbhas tathā tenedam āvitam
BG 3.38: Just as a fire is covered by smoke, a mirror is masked by dust, and an embryo is concealed by the womb, similarly one’s knowledge gets shrouded by desire.
यथैधांसि समिद्धोऽग्निर्भस्मसात्कुरुतेऽर्जुन |
ज्ञानाग्नि: सर्वकर्माणि भस्मसात्कुरुते तथा || 37||
yathaidhānsi samiddho ’gnir bhasma-sāt kurute ’rjuna
sarva-karmāi bhasma-sāt kurute tathā
BG 4.37: As a kindled fire reduces wood to ashes, O Arjuna, so does the fire of knowledge burn to ashes all reactions from material activities.

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