Wednesday, August 21, 2019

TREES-3 - VRUKSHAH- TARUH -DRUMAH- ( वृक्षः-तरु:-द्रुमः ) )


यदेवोपनत दुःखात्सुखं तद्रसवत्तरम्।
निर्वाणाय तरुच्छाया तप्तस्य हि विशेषतः॥  विक्रमोर्वशीय
yadevopanatam dukhAt sukham tadrasavattaram |
nirvANAy taruchhAyA taptasya he visheshatah ||Vikramorvaseeyam
The pleasure (or privilege) that follows after a period of grief is more enjoyable. Only the one who has been afflicted by the scorching heat of sun, would truly appreciate the shade given by a tree.
साधवः अपकार पराणामपि उपकुर्वन्ति I
 वृक्षः च्छिन्दन्तमपि स्वच्छायया किं न रक्षति II
Saadavah apakaaraparaanaamapi upakurvanti I
Vrukshah chchindantamapi svachchaayaa kim na rakshati II
Saintly persons do good to others even if others  do harm to them. Do not the tree gives shade to those who try to cut it down.
यदि संन्यासतः सिद्धिं राजा कश्चिदवाप्नुयात्
पर्वताश्च द्रुमाश्चेव क्षिप्रं सिद्धिं अवाप्नुयुः ll Maha bharatha
yadi sannyaasatah siddhim raajaa kashchidavaapnuyaat l
parvataashcha drumaashcheva kShipram siddhim avaapnuyuh ll

When Yudhishthira is saddened by the destruction caused by the Mahabharata war and desires to leave the kingdom to stay in a forest (to lead a life of an ascetic), Bhima tells him thus – If a king gets fulfillment and emancipation by staying in the forest, then the mountains and trees (in the forest) will be immediately liberated!
इह यत्क्रियते कर्म तत् परत्रोपभुज्यते I
सिक्तं मूलस्य वृक्षस्य फलं शाखासु दृश्यते II
Iha yatkriyate karma tat paratropabhujyate I
Siktam moolasya vrukshasya phalam shaakaasu drusyate II
In this world, what ever deeds we do, there results are seen else where. (Just like) A tree on being watered at its roots its fruits are seen by its branches. 
अल्पज्ञः पूज्यते ग्रामे विशेषज्ञविवर्जिते ।
देशे वृक्षविनाभूतेऽप्येरण्डो हि वनस्पति: ॥
In a place devoid of trees the castor plant is treated as"King of tree'. Even a man of  half-baked knowledge is considered as a scholar where there are no real scholars available.
कल्पद्रुमः कल्पितमेव सूते सा कामधुक् कामितमेव दोग्धि
चिन्तामणिश्चिन्तितमेव दत्ते सतां तु सङ्गः सकलं प्रसूते  
Kalpadrumah kalpitameva soote saa kaamaduk kaamitameva dogdhee I
Chintaamani chinthitameva datte satam tu sangah sakalam prasoote II

Karpaga vruksha (Wish tree) gives only what  is wished, Kaamadenu (Wish cow) gives only that is wished, Chinthaamani (Wish stone) gives only that is wished, but saints' accompaniment produces everything even without a wish.
अविध्वानापि भूपालो विध्या वृद्दोप सेवया I
परां श्रियं अवाप्नोति जलासन्निव तरुर्यथा  II
A king altho’ uneducated attains great prosperity by having in his service men advanced in knowledge, as does a tree growing by a water-side.   
सुजनो याति वैरम् परहितनिरतो विनाशकालेऽपि
छेदेऽपि चन्दनतरुः सुरभयति मुखं कुठारस्य
sujano na yaati vairaM parahitanirato vinaashakaale.pi
Chede.pi chandanataruH surabhayati mukhaM kuThaarasya   – bhartRuhari
An affable person, (who is) always engrossed in the benefaction of others, shall not resort to hostility, even in times of (his own) downfall.  Upon chopping, the sandal tree only smears its fragrance onto the blade of the axe.

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