Friday, August 30, 2019


 यत्रास्ति गतिर्वायो रश्मीनां  विवस्वतः।
तत्रापि प्रविशत्याशु बुद्धिर्बुद्धिमतां सदा 
wise man's wisdom can penetrate to such depths where even wind can not flow or can light reach.
यथा शक्ति चिकीर्षन्ति यथा शक्ति च कुर्वते I
न किञ्चिद् अवमन्यन्ते नराः पण्डित बुद्धयः II Vidura niti
Those are wise men who aspire to do as much as lies in their power, do act to the best of their ability and do not look down upon anything as menial.
नाप्राप्यमभिवांछन्ति नष्टं नेच्छन्ति शोचितुम्
आपत्सु मुह्यन्ति नराः पण्डितबुद्धयः ॥ Vidura niti
Wise men will not long for the things that can not be attained. They do not grieve for what is lost. They are not distracted when they are in trouble.
बंधुस्त्रीभृत्यवर्गस्य बुद्धेः सत्वस्य चात्मनः
आपन्निकषपाषाणे नरो जानाति सारताम् ॥ Hitopadesa
It is only during the times of trouble that people's support to you is tested - like gold on touch stone. This applies to relative, wife, servants and one's own wisdom and courage.
न तच्छस्त्रैः न नागेंद्रैर्न हयैः न पदातिभिः ।
कार्यं संसिद्धिमभ्येति यथा बुद्ध्या प्रसाधितम् ॥
One can be achieve a lot by using wisdom. The same is not true about weapons, elephants, horses and cavalry .
तमःपरिवृतं वेश्म यथा दीपेन दीप्यते ।
तथा बुद्धिप्रदीपेन शक्य आत्मा निरीक्षितुम् ॥
Darkness in our homes is removed by lamps lighting other lamps. Just like that, knowledge will let us search our souls in the darkness of ignorance.
तमःपरिवृतं वेश्म यथा दीपेन दीप्यते ।
तथा बुद्धिप्रदीपेन शक्य आत्मा निरीक्षितुम् ॥
Darkness in our homes is removed by lamps lighting other lamps. Just like that, knowledge will let us search our souls in the darkness of ignorance.
गतेऽपि वयसि ग्राह्या विद्या सर्वात्मना बुधैः ।
यद्यपि स्यान्न फलदा सुलभा सान्यजन्मनि ॥
gate'pi vayasi graahyaa vidyaa sarvaatmanaa budhaih |
yadyapi syaanna phaladaa sulabhaa saanyajanmani ||
Wise men continue to learn from every one and get wiser even at a very old age. It is not a problem if their new wisdom does not give any results immediately. It will at least make it easier in the next birth.
किं तया क्रियते धेन्वा या सूते दुग्धदा 
कोऽर्थः पुत्रेण जातेन यो विद्वान्न भक्तिमान्  - पञ्चतन्त्र
ki tayā kriyate dhenvā yā na sūte na dugdhadā
putrea jātena yo na vidvānna bhaktimān ॥
What shall you do with a cow that neither milks nor bears a calf? What is the use of an offspring who is neither learned nor devoted?
आरभन्तेऽल्पमेवाज्ञाः कार्यं व्यग्रा भवन्ति  
महारम्भाः कृतधियः तिष्ठन्ति निराकुलाः - शिशुपालवध
Even when embarking upon a small job, the unwise get restless and anxious. (Whereas) the wise take up huge tasks and remain unperturbed!

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