Friday, August 23, 2019

SRI KRISHNA - ( श्री कृष्ण: )

वन्दे वृन्दावनचरं वलव्वीजनवल्लभम् 
 जयन्तीसम्भवं धाम वैजयन्तीविभूषणम्  १॥Vande vrundavanacharam vallavee janavallabham IJayantee sambhavam dhaama vaijayantee vibhooshanam II Gopala vimsati
Salutations to him, who wanders in Vrundavana, Who is the darling of the Gopis there, Who was born on the day of the Sri Jayanthi, And who wears the garland called Vaijayanthi
वसुदेवसुतं देवं कंसचाणूरमर्दनम्देवकीपरमानन्दं कृष्णं वंदे जगद्गुरुम् || ||Sri Krishnashtakam
vasudevasutaḿ devaḿ kaḿsa-cāṇūra-mardanam I  devakī-paramānandaḿ kṛṣṇaḿ vande jagadgurum III worship Lord Kṛṣṇa, Who is the spiritual master of the universe, Who is the son of Vasudeva, Who is the Lord, Who killed Kamsa and Cāṇūra, and Who is the bliss of Devakī.

कस्तूरीतिलकं ललाटपटले वक्षःस्थले कौस्तुभं
नासाग्रे नवमौक्तिकं करतले वेणुं करे कङ्कणम्
सर्वाङ्गे हरिचन्दनं सुललितं कण्ठे मुक्तावलिं
गोपस्त्री परिवेष्टितो विजयते गोपाल चूडामणिः ॥ Sri Krishna karnamrutam
Kasturi tilakam lalata phalake vakshasthale kaustubham
Nasagre navamauktikam karatale venum kare kankanam |
Sarvange haricandanam kalayan kantheca muktavali
Gopastree pariveshtito vijayate gopala cudaamanih ||
O Sri Krishna ! The Kasturi (Musk) Tilak, a red ritual mark decorates your forehead and the Kaustubha jewel ornaments your chest. The Nava mouktika, a pearl ornament on your nose, your fingertips graced by a flute, while your wrist is ornamented with a bracelet. O Sri Hari! Your entire body is bedecked with fragrant sandalwood paste, your neck has a beautiful garland. You gave Mukti (salvation) to the Gopis (lady-cowherds) who followed you. Victory be to that Lord who proved to be the choodamani (crest jewel)  for even a commoner like a cowherd.

विक्रेतु कामा किल गोप कन्या  मुरारि पाद अर्पित चित्त वृत्तिः I
दधि आदिकम् मोह वशात् अवोचत् गोविन्द दामोदर माधव इति II
vikretukāmā kila gopakanyā murāripādārpitacittavtti |
dadhyādikammohavaśādavocad govindadāmodaramādhaveti || 
A gopasthri, wanting to sell milk products like curd etc , with her mind fully immersed in the thought Sri krishna's feet , blurted out " govinda,Madava,Damodara ".
कृष्ण त्वदीयपदपङ्कजपञ्जरान्तंअद्यैव मे विशतु मानसराजहंसः
 प्राणप्रयाणसमये कफवातपित्तैःकण्ठावरोधनविधौ स्मरणं कुतस्ते ७॥ Mukunda mala
Krishna tvadiya-pada-pankaja-panjarantam  Adyaiva me visatu manasa-raja-hamsah Prana-prayana-samaye kapha-vata-pittaih   Kanthavarodhana-vidhau smaranam kutas te
Oh! Krishna! Like the royal swan repairing into its nest ,may my mind resort to your lotus feet now itself.
When the soul is ready to depart, And when bile air and phlegm, Choke my throat,
How will I ever remember your holy name? - Kulasekara alwar
तमद्भुतं बालकमम्बुजेक्षणं चतुर्भुजं शङ्खगदाद्युदायुधम्
 श्रीवत्सलक्ष्मं गलशोभिकौस्तुभं पीताम्बरं सान्द्रपयोदसौभगम्
महार्हवैदूर्यकिरीटकुण्डलत्विषापरिष्वक्तसहस्रकुन्तलम् ।
 उद्दामकाञ्च्यङ्गदकङ्कणादिभि- र्विरोचमानं वसुदेव ऐक्षत ॥ Bhagavatham
 tam-adbhutam bAlakam-ambujekShaNaM caturbhujam shanka-gadAdyudhAyudhaM /
shrIvatsa-lakShmaM gala-shobhi-kaustubhaM pItAmbaraM sAndra-payoda-saubhagaM//
mahArha-vaiDUrya-kirITa-kuNDala-tviShA pariShvakta-sahasra-kuntalaM /
uddAma-kAnchyangada-kankaNAdibhiH virAjamAnaM vasudeva aikShata //
Vasudeva saw that wonder child with four hands, holding a conch, a mace, a chakra (discus) and a lotus; with Srivatsa emblem on his chest; with Kaustubha gem on the neck; with cloth of golden hue, as beautiful as the blue water-filled cloud; with dense hair flowing around amidst the adornments of crown and ear-rings radiant with precious gems; and excellently brilliant with bracelets around the hip and arms.
यन्मुहूर्तं क्षणं वापि वासुदेवो न चिन्त्यते I
सा हानिः महत् छिद्रं सा भ्रान्तिः सा च विक्रिया II  Garuda Purana
Yan muhurtham kshanam vaapi vaasudevo na chintayet I
Saa haanih mahat chidram saa bhraantih saa cha vikiyaa II
A satvic devotee , if he happens to forget to think of Sri Krishna even for a moment , he considers that as a great loss, a signal for impending distress, as a sign of madness, and change of good times.
जन्म कर्म च मे दिव्यमेवं यो वेत्ति तत्त्वत: |
त्यक्त्वा देहं पुनर्जन्म नैति मामेति सोऽर्जुन
|| 9|| Bhagavad Gita
janma karma cha me divyam eva yo vetti tattvata
ā deha punar janma naiti mām eti so ’rjuna
BG 4.9: Those who understand the divine nature of my birth and activities, O Arjuna, upon leaving the body, do not have to take birth again, but come to my eternal abode.
सर्वधर्मान्परित्यज्य मामेकं शरणं व्रज |
अहं त्वां सर्वपापेभ्यो मोक्षयिष्यामि मा शुच:
|| 66|| Charama Slokam
sarva-dharmān parityajya mām eka śharaa vraja
tvāṁ sarva-pāpebhyo mokhayihyāmi mā śhucha
BG 18.66: Abandoning  all  dharmas  come and to me alone for shelter;  I shall liberate you from all sinful reactions; sorrow not.


  1. Very good to read at a time so many slokas all about Krishna on Krishna Jayanti.

  2. That comment was by me.cssivakumar.
